Home > Sandcastle High Scores

Changes to High Scores

Unfortunately, Mochi is game over.
So you can no longer get new high scores in this game.
We're working on a new high score system for Big Fun Town and once available, you'll be able to get high scores and medals again.
We're keeping your existing high scores and medals for posteriority.

Sandcastle High Scores


Rank Player Name Score

Top Scores

Rank Player Name Score
1. Cig1704 3m 41.140s
2. Something1313 6m 54.250s
3. Vicki 7m 3.260s
4. Games 8m 49.850s
5. David S 9m 3.460s
6. Monsterdutson 9m 47.950s
7. Nelbels 10m 33.150s
8. Daniel 11m 15.310s
9. Cu Lam 12m 3.950s
10. Text911 13m 55.870s
11. Flo To The 0 14m 8.340s
12. Wyleecoyote 14m 15.450s
13. DamJam 14m 22.050s
14. 1higgy 14m 55.070s
15. MC 15m 11.140s
16. Mirkhan 15m 20.380s
17. Iwin 15m 56.340s
18. Paco5696 15m 58.680s
19. CanEHdianRocker 16m 40.750s
20. Snork 16m 58.890s
21. Silvertiger123 16m 59.010s
22. Benjamin049 17m 56.990s
23. Airforce4422 18m 9.650s
24. Akiskarath 18m 42.980s
25. Rocky5454 19m 14.510s
26. Kai 19m 33.240s
27. Drdsocal 20m 12.130s
28. Ajz 21m 31.590s
29. Samuelp81 21m 35.810s
30. Sbarros 21m 41.050s
31. Big Funtown 23m 31.150s
32. Turtlekhan 23m 42.890s
33. Ali Raza 24m 46.860s
34. Ricardo9000 25m 9.930s
35. Pitty73 27m 0.290s
36. Hawkeye 27m 44.150s
37. Weavyjr 28m 40.950s
38. Wuhan J 29m 22.970s
39. Sitfun4 29m 50.510s
40. Jarred 35m 49.850s
41. Pacopatillas 42m 2.970s
42. Bonda131 43m 52.530s
43. Tboy 48m 44.510s

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