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Darts Game Information

Played 5098 times
Average Score: 4.08 / 5.00 (from 12 votes)
Date Added: 13 February 2013
Categories: Sport


Your goal is to reduce your initial score of 501 points to zero using as few darts as possible. The dartboard is divided into 20 areas with scores of 1 to 20, each area is further divided into 4 regions, the 2 larger regions get the area score, the thin outer region scores twice the area score, and the thin inner region scores thrice the area score. The bullseye (the red dot in the center) scores 50 points, the bull's ring (the green ring around the center) scores 25 points. In each turn you throw 3 darts, each time you throw a dart, the score you get will be deducted from the initial score of 501, the object of the game is to reduce the points to exactly zero. The last dart you throw must hit a double or hit the bullseye. If your points are reduced below zero, to exactly 1, or to zero, but without hitting a double or the bullseye with the last throw, then your turn is forfeit and the score will be reset to what it was before the last turn.

Game Play Instructions

Aim using the MOUSE, then LEFT CLICK to start throwing the dart, then LEFT CLICK again to throw the dart with accuracy based on how close to the center you get the rolling horizontal and vertical bars.

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Darts AddictsInformation

Rank Gamer Play Time
1. Saur's Avatar Saur 6 minutes
2. RYAN380's Avatar RYAN380 5 minutes
3. XtremeBoyXD123's Avatar XtremeBoyXD123 5 minutes
4. Ullillein's Avatar Ullillein 5 minutes
5. HondaCRF70f's Avatar HondaCRF70f 5 minutes

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