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Chazza Man's Profile

Chazza Man's Avatar Last Online: 25 August 2010

Member Since: 19 August 2010

Birthdate: 25th December 1995
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Country: Great Britain

High Scores (about)

0  Gold Medal     1  Silver Medal     0  Bronze Medal

Overall Score: 4.2
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Most Played

Storm Game Storm 2 times
Construction Yard Bike Game Construction Yard Bike 2 times
Extreme MTB Trail Game Extreme MTB Trail 2 times
Flash Flight Simulator Game Flash Flight Simulator 2 times
Terror Camp Game Terror Camp 1 time
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Played Longest

Flash Flight Simulator Game Flash Flight Simulator 26 minutes
Construction Yard Bike Game Construction Yard Bike 21 minutes
Hitstick 3 Game Hitstick 3 10 minutes
Crazy Police Car Game Crazy Police Car 8 minutes
Instant Football Game Instant Football 8 minutes
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Highest Rated

Freestyle Motoracer Game Freestyle Motoracer 5 / 5
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Games Played

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